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18 matches for Facet classfication: Collected Lives Facet script: syr-Syre
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Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 25 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Fragments of the history of Serapion; Palladius, Hieronymus. Fragments of the Histories of the Egyptian Solitaries. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 2 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 171 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: John, bishop of Asia or Ephesus. A work entitled "Histories," or "Lives, of Eastern Saints," compiled by John, bishop of Asia or Ephesus; Several chapters, probably taken from the Ecclesiastical History of John of Ephesus, added by the scribe; Three lives of Saints, which were certainly not written by John of Ephesus. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 69 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 235 ff.| Origin:
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Hieronymus. Three leaves from the Lives of the Egyptian Solitaries; Evagrius. Selections from the writings of Evagrius; Palladius. Extracts from the Historia Lausiaca of Palladius; Hieronymus. The second part of the Lives of the Egyptian Solitaries; The history of the virgin Andromeda; .... In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 62 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 50 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: A collection of Martyrdoms; A fragment of the legend of Queen Protonice, ܡܠܟܬܐ ܦܪܘܛܢܝܩܐ, the wife of Claudius Caesar, who went to Jerusalem and discovered the Cross of the Saviour for the first time.; A fragment of the Doctrine of Addai, or Thaddaeus, the apostle; Ephraim. Selections from the prose writings of Ephraim. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 26 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 181 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Palladius. Histories of the Solitary Brethren of the Egyptian Desert, composed, according to the Syriac title, by Palladius, the disciple of Evagrius , for the chamberlain Lausus.; Histories of the Egyptian Fathers, composed by Palladius, bishop of Helenopolis, the disciple of Evagrius , at the request of Lausus the chamberlain of the emperor Theodosius. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 6 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 98 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: The Histories of the Egyptian Solitaries by Palladius, in two parts. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 3 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 134 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Palladius. The Histories of the Egyptian Solitaries by Palladius.; Another work of Palladius, or rather of Hieronymus.; The first part of the history of the Man of God (Alexius) from Rome, in the time of Rabulas, bishop of Edessa .; The martyrdom of Paphnutius. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 4 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 33 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Acts of Martyrs. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 6 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 30 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: The martyrdom of Sergius and Bacchus.; The martyrdom of George. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 2 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.