Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 14,490

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/180
This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.

Add. 14,490, upper text

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1411
Description based on Wright 225 (1:159-161) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: AD 1089 / AG 1400
Origin: The convent of S. Mary Deipara near Alexandria
Estrangela script ܀ Parchment Codex, 276 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Lectionaries
This manuscript contains: A Jacobite Lectionary from the Gospels for the whole year. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 86 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 9 1/8 in. by 6 3/4, consisting of 276 leaves, a few of which are much stained and slightly torn, especially foll. 2, 4, 35, 275 and 276. The quires, 25 in number, are signed with letters; but of the first only four leaves remain. Each page has from 18 to 25 lines. Large portions of this volume are palimpsest (see Add. 14,490, lower text ).

Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script): This volume, large portions of which are palimpsest, is written in a rather inelegant Estrangela, and dated A. Gr. 1400, A.D. 1089. Many of the titles are written with green and yellowish brown paint.


This manuscript contains 86 item(s) including nested subsections. N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 1a): A Jacobite Lectionary from the Gospels for the whole year. [defective]
  Colophon: See below.
Note: The lessons are taken from the Harklensian text.
Item 2 (Fol. 2a): The Nativity of our Lord [defective]
Note: Imperfect
Item 3 (Fol. 4a): The Commemoration of the blessed Virgin
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܩܘܠܣܐ ܕܝ̇ܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܡܐܪܝܡ
Item 4 (Fol. 4a): The first Sunday after the Nativity, the Massacre of the Innocents
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚܕܒܫܒܐ ܕܒܬܪ ܒܝܬ ܝ̇ܠܕܐ܀ ܕܩ̣ܛܠܐ ܕܝܠܘ̈ܕܐ
Item 5 (Fol. 5a): The Sunday before the Epiphany
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚܕܒܫܒܐ ܕܩܕܡ ܒܝܬ ܕܢܚܐ
Item 6 (Fol. 6a): The Epiphany
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܥܐܕܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܕܢ̣ܚܐ
Item 7 (Fol. 12a): The Commemoration of S. John the Baptist
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܕܘܟܪܢܗ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܡ̇ܥܡܕܢܐ
Item 8 (Fol. 16a): The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܡܥܠܬܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܕܠܗ̇ܝܟ̣ܠܐ
Item 9 (Fol. 17b): The first Sunday after the Epiphany
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚܕܒܫ̈ܒܐ ܕܒܬܪ ܒܝܬ ܕܢܚܐ܀ ܕܚܕܒܫܒܐ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܕܒܬܪ ܥܐܕܐ
Item 10 (Fol. 19a): The second Sunday
Item 11 (Fol. 22b): The third Sunday
Item 12 (Fol. 25a): The fourth Sunday
Item 13 (Fol. 27b): The fifth Sunday
Item 14 (Fol. 30b): The sixth Sunday
Item 15 (Fol. 33b): The seventh Sunday
Item 16 (Fol. 37b): The eighth Sunday
Item 17 (Fol. 39a): The Fast of Nineveh
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܐܪ̈ܒܥܒܫܒܐ ܕܥܒܘܬܐܕܢܝܢܘܐ
Note: Read ܕܒܥ̈ܘܬܐ
Item 18 (Fol. 41a): Lent
ܛ̇ܟܣܐ ܕܨܘܡܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܐܪ̈ܒܥܝܢ
Item 19 (Fol. 41a): The first week in Lent
Item 20 (Fol. 54a): The second week
Item 21 (Fol. 60a): The third week
Item 22 (Fol. 63b): The fourth week
Item 23 (Fol. 78a): The fifth week
Item 24 (Fol. 86b): The sixth week
Item 25 (Fol. 98b): Palm Sunday
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܚܕܒܫܒܐ (sic) ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܐܫܥܢܐ
Item 26 (Fol. 106a): Passion (or Holy) Week
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܫܒܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܕܚܫ̣ܐ ܦܪܘܩܝܐ ܕܡܪܝܐ
Item 27 (Fol. 106a): Monday in Passion Week
Item 28 (Fol. 109a): Tuesday
Item 29 (Fol. 112a): Wednesday
Item 30 (Fol. 114a): Thursday
Item 31 (Fol. 123a): Friday
Item 32 (Fol. 150a): Saturday
Item 33 (Fol. 151a): The Resurrection
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܩܝܡܬܐ
Item 34 (Fol. 154b): The Week of White Garments (in albis)
Item 35 (Fol. 166a): New (or Low) Sunday
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚܕܒܫܒܐ ܚܕܬܐ
Item 36 (Fol. 168b): The second Sunday after the Resurrection
Item 37 (Fol. 171b): The third Sunday
Item 38 (Fol. 172a): The fourth Sunday
Item 39 (Fol. 173b): The fifth Sunday
Item 40 (Fol. 178a): The Ascension of our Lord
ܛܟܣܐ ܥܐܕܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܣܠܩܗ(sic) ܕܡܪܢ ܘܐܠܗܢ ܕܠܫܡܝܐ
Item 41 (Fol. 178b): The sixth Sunday after the Resurrection
Item 42 (Fol. 181b): Pentecost or Whitsun Day
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܦܢܛܝܩܘܣܛܐ
Item 43 (Fol. 184b): The Friday of Gold (see Acts, ch. iii. v. 6), the Commemoration of SS. Peter, John, and Paul
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܥܪܘܒܬܐ ܕܕܗܒܐ ܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܕܦܐܛܪܘܣ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܘܦܘܠܘܣ
Item 44 (Fol. 185b): The Fast of the Apostles
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚܕܒܫ̈ܒܐ ܕܨܘܡܐ ܕܫ̈ܠܝܚܐ
Item 45 (Fol. 185b): The first Sunday
Item 46 (Fol. 187a): The second Sunday
Item 47 (Fol. 191b): The third Sunday
Item 48 (Fol. 196a): The fourth Sunday
Item 49 (Fol. 197a): The fifth Sunday
Item 50 (Fol. 199b): The sixth Sunday
Item 51 (Fol. 202a): The Friday of the Commemoration of the Apostles
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܥܪܘܒܬܐ ܕܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܕܫܠܝ̈ܚܐ
Item 52 (Fol. 204b): The first Sunday after the Fast of the Apostles
Item 53 (Fol. 207a): The second Sunday
Item 54 (Fol. 209b): The third Sunday
Item 55 (Fol. 212a): The fourth Sunday
Item 56 (Fol. 214a): The fifth Sunday
Item 57 (Fol. 217a): The sixth Sunday
Item 58 (Fol. 218b): The seventh Sunday
Item 59 (Fol. 221b): The Fast of the three holy Children
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܚܕܒܫ̈ܒܐ ܕܨܘܡܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܚܢܢܝܐ
Item 60 (Fol. 221b): The first Sunday
Item 61 (Fol. 224a): The second Sunday
Item 62 (Fol. 226b): The third Sunday
Item 63 (Fol. 229a): The fourth Sunday
Item 64 (Fol. 233b): The fifth Sunday
Item 65 (Fol. 236b): The sixth Sunday
Item 66 (Fol. 239a): The seventh Sunday
Item 67 (Fol. 239a): The first Sunday after the Fast of the three holy Children
Item 68 (Fol. 244b): The second Sunday
Item 69 (Fol. 246a): The third Sunday
Item 70 (Fol. 248a): The fourth Sunday
Item 71 (Fol. 250b): The fifth Sunday
Item 72 (Fol. 251a): The sixth Sunday
Item 73 (Fol. 252a): The seventh Sunday
Item 74 (Fol. 252a): The eighth Sunday
Item 75 (Fol. 253b): The Dedication of the Cross and the Consummation of the World
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܚ̈ܘܕܬܐ ܕܨܠܝܒܐ ܦܪܘܩܝܐ ܘܕܫܘܼܠܡܗ ܕܥܠܡܐ
Item 76 (Fol. 261b): Commemorations
ܛܟܣܐ ܕܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܕܘܟܪ̈ܢܐ ܓܘ̈ܢܝܐ
Item 77 (Fol. 261b): The blessed Virgin
ܕܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܕܝ̇ܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܡܐܪܝܐܡ
Item 78 (Fol. 264b): The Apostles
ܕܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܕܫܠܝ̈ܚܐ
Item 79 (Fol. 264b): The Martyrs
Item 80 (Fol. 264b): The Just
ܕܟ̈ܐܢܐ ܘܙܕܝ̈ܩܐ
Item 81 (Fol. 266a): The Patriarchs
Item 82 (Fol. 266a): The Bishops
Item 83 (Fol. 266a): Any one Saint
ܕܚܕ ܩܢܘܡܐ
Item 84 (Fol. 266a): S. Stephen
ܕܥܠ ܡܪܝ ܣܛܦܢܘܣ
Item 85 (Fol. 266b): The Dead
ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܥܢܝ̈ܕܐ
Item 86 (Fol. 275a): The doxology


Addition 1 (Fol. 275a): On fol. 275 a, after the doxology, there is the following note, informing us that this lectionary was written and bound, in the year 1400(A.D. 1089), at the convent of S. Mary Deipara near Alexandria, by a recluse and stylite named Samuel bar Cyriacus bar Abraham, from a place in the East called Nirabā(ܢܪܒܐ,), in the district of Ma'dān(ܡ̇ܥܕܢ, See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., Dissert. de Monopliys., art. ix., Maadan). ܫܠܡ ܦܘܪܫ ܩܪ̈ܝܢܐ ܕܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܬܝ ܡܪܩܘܣ ܠܘܩܐ ܝܘܚܢܢ. ܕܡܬܩܪܝܢ ܒܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܒܟܠܗ̇ ܚܘܕܪܐ ܕܫܢܬܐ ܡܫܡܠܝܐܝܬ ܕܠܐ ܒܘܨܪܐ. ܟܠ ܕܝܢ ܕܩ̇ܪܐ ܘܝܘܬܪܢܐ ܩ̇ܢܐ ܡܢ ܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܕܚ̈ܝܐ . ܢܨ̈ܠܐ̣ ܒܚ̇ܦܝܛܘܬܐ ܥܠ ܫܡܘܐܝܠ ܒܨܝܪܐ ܘܩܫܝܫܐ ܒܫܡܐ ܘܚܒܝܫܝܐ. ܒܪ ܩܘܪܝܩܘܣ ܒܪ ܐܒܪܗܡ ܡܢ̈ܚܐ. ܡܢ ܐܪܥܐ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܡܢ ܢܪܒܐ ܕܡ̇ܥܕܢ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܕܢܚ̇ܫܐ. ܐܬܟܬܒ ܕܝܢ ܘܐܬ݁ܕܒܲܩ ܒܐ̈ܝܕܝ ܒܨܝܪܐ ܕܐܡ̣ܝܪ. ܫܢ̣ܬ ܐܠܦ ܘܐܪ̈ܒܥܡܐܐ ܕܝܘ̈ܢܝܐ ܒ܏ܝܛ ܒܝܠܠ (sic) ܝܪܚܐ ܒܝܘܡ ܬܠܬܐ ܒܫܒܐ. ܒܐܣܛܘܢܐ ܒܩܠܝܡܐ ܕܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܝܐ ܪܒܬܐ ܘܕܡܨܪܝܢ. ܒܕܝܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܝ̇ܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܡܪܝܡ. ܕܐܠܗܐ ܗ̇ܘ ܕܡܛܠ ܫܡܗ ܥܡ̣ܠ ܘܐܝܨܦ ܘܦܲܪܫ ܘܛ̇ܟܣ ܘܟܬܒ ܘܣܡ ܣܝܡܬܐ ܗܕܐ ܐܠܗܝܬܐ ܏ܘܫ.

Add. 14,490, lower text

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1412
Description based on Wright CCXXV (1:159-161) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 8th or 9th century
Unspecified Syriac script ܀ Parchment Codex, 276 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Lectionaries
This manuscript contains: Galen. Part of a Syriac translation of the works of Galen; Gesius. The notes or commentary of Gesius(Γέσιος,) arranged, it would appear, in parallel columns to the works ofGalen. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 2 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 9 1/8 in. by 6 3/4. Large portions of this volume are palimpsest (see Add. 14,490, upper text ). Foll. 1 and 276 (a fragment) have not been rewritten.

Hand 1 (sole, Unspecified Syriac script): The erased text of the palimpsest portions of this volume is written in a small, neat hand of the viiith or ixth cent.


This manuscript contains 2 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 1a): Galen. Part of a Syriac translation of the works of Galen [defective]
Note: Foll. 1 and 276(a fragment) have not been rewritten. The running titles, which are still visible on the outer margins of some leaves. See, for example, foll.34 b, 74 b, 100 b, 144 b, 146 a and b, 155 b, 166 b, 178 b, 196 b, and 246 b. Other portions of the same text are to be found in Add. 17,127 ; and to it probably belong the palimpsest leaves in Add. 14,486 ; and Add 14,487 .
Item 2 (Fol. 1a): Gesius. The notes or commentary of Gesius(Γέσιος,) arranged, it would appear, in parallel columns to the works of Galen.
Note: Foll. 1 and 276(a fragment) have not been rewritten. The running titles, which are still visible on the outer margins of some leaves. See, for example, foll.34 b, 74 b, 100 b, 144 b, 146 a and b, 155 b, 166 b, 178 b, 196 b, and 246 b. Other portions of the same text are to be found in Add. 17,127 ; and to it probably belong the palimpsest leaves in Add. 14,486 ; and Add 14,487 .

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “” in , last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/180.


William Wright et al., “.” In , edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/180.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 14490

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor,
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Peter G. Miller, Robert Aydin, and Justin Arnwine, entry contributors, “”

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Peter G. Miller
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Edited by Peter G. Miller
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by Elizabeth Walston
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors edited by Justin Arnwine
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors checked by Alexys Ahn Joseph DAlfonso
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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