Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 14,466

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/143
This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.

Add. 14,466, foll. 1–10

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/144
Description based on Wright CVI (1:69) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 12th century
Unspecified Syriac script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Leaf, 10 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The Gospel of S. Matthew, ch. i. 1 —vi. 20, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 7 1/8 in. by 4 1/2, consisting of ten leaves. The number of lines in each page varies from 19 to 21. The writing is good and regular, of the xiith cent., with a very few Greek vowels on foll. 4 band 5 a.

Hand 1 (major, Unspecified Syriac script): The writing is good and regular, of the xiith cent.
Hand 2 (minor, West Syriac script): See additions.
Hand 3 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See decoration notes.
Decoration (Illustration): On fol. 1a there is a coloured figure of the Cross, with the words ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ.


This manuscript contains 1 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 1): The Gospel of S. Matthew, ch. i. 1 —vi. 20, according to the Peshitta version.
  Explicit: ܐܠܐ ܣܝ̣ܡܘ ܠܟܘܢ
Note: The lessons are rubricated in the text.


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: A very few Greek vowels on foll. 4b and 5a.

Add. 14,466, foll. 11–17

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/145
Description based on Wright C (1:67) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 10th or 11th century
Unspecified Syriac script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Other, 7 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: Fragments of the Gospel of S. Mark, according to the Peshitta version; Fragments of the Gospel of S. Luke, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 2 items.

Physical Description

Seven vellum leaves, about 6 ½ in. by 4 3/4, some of which are slightly stained (Add. 14,466, foll. 11 —17). The signatures of the quires were letters (ܛfol. 11). There are from 21 to 23 lines in each page. The writing is neat and regular, of the xth or xith cent., with occasional Syriac and Greek vowel-points.

Hand 1 (major, Unspecified Syriac script): The writing is neat and regular, of the xth or xith cent..
Hand 2 (minor, West Syriac script): See additions.


This manuscript contains 2 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 12): Fragments of the Gospel of S. Mark, according to the Peshitta version [defective]

Contains ch. vi. 18—33, fol. 11; ch. ix. 31 —x. 19.

The lessons are rubricated on the margins by the hand of the scribe.

Item 2 (Fol. 14): Fragments of the Gospel of S. Luke, according to the Peshitta version [defective]

Contains ch. i. 61—ii. 22, foll. 14, 15; ch. iv. 2—38, foll. 16, 17.

The lessons are rubricated on the margins by the hand of the scribe.


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: Occasional Syriac and Greek vowel-points.

Add. 14,466, foll. 18–42

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/146
Description based on Wright CXVIII (1:73) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 11th or 12th century
Unspecified Syriac script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Codex, 25 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: Fragments of the Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version; The Commandments of our Lord, extracted from the four gospels, 99 in number.; Extracts from the Epistles of S. Paul, according to the Peshitta version, ending with 2nd Timothy, ch. iii. 5. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 3 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about. 7 1/8 in. by 5 1/8, consisting of 25 leaves (Add. 14,466, foll. 18—42), several of which are much stained and torn, especially foll. 19,22,30,31,33,34,35,37, and 41. The quires are signed with letters (ܝܚand ـܟ). Each page has from 20-25 lines. The writing seems to of the xith or xiith cent., with occasional Syriac vowel-points.

Hand 1 (major, Unspecified Syriac script): The writing seems to of the xith or xiith cent..
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.
Hand 3 (minor, East Syriac script): See additions.


This manuscript contains 3 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 18a): Fragments of the Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
  Subscription (Fol. 24b): ܫܠ̣ܡ ܠܡܟ̣ܬܒ ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܫܠܝܚܐ: ܕܡܠܠ ܝܘܢܐܝܬ ܒܐܦܣܘܣ
Note: Contains ch. xvii.1—16, xviii. 6—22, xix. 11—24, xix. 38—xx.10, and xx. 25 to the end.
Item 2 (Fol. 24b): The Commandments of our Lord, extracted from the four gospels, 99 in number.
ܬܘܒ ܟ̇ܬܒܝܢܢ ܦܘ̈ܩܕܢܐ ܩܕ̈ܝܫܐ: ܕܡܪܢ ܕܒܐ̈ܘܢܓܠܝܐ ܣ̈ܓܝܕܐ ܘܩ̈ܕܝܫܐ:
Item 3 (Fol. 30b): Extracts from the Epistles of S. Paul, according to the Peshitta version, ending with 2nd Timothy, ch. iii. 5. [defective]
ܬܘܒ ܒܥܘܕܪܢ ܡܪܢ ܟ̇ܬܒܝܢܢ ܡ̈ܠܐ ܡ̈ܓܒܝܬܐ ܡܢ ܦܘܠܘܣ ܩ̇ܪܝܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܐ
  Subscription (Fol. 42b): ܫܠ̣ܡ ܠܡܟ̣ܬܒ ܟܬܒܘܢܐ ܗܢܐ ܒܥܘܕܪܢ ܡܪܢ

They are very imperfect, as leaves as wanting after foll.31, 35, 36, and 40.


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1 (Fol. 42b): The subscription was followed by a note, now erased, the first line of which contained a date, as is clear from the single legible word ܕܝܘ̈ܢܝܐ.
Addition 2: Occasional Syriac vowel points.

Add. 14,466, foll. 43–59

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/147
Description based on Wright DCCCXX (2:836-837) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 10th or 11th century
Unspecified Syriac script ܀ Parchment Codex, 17 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Collected Authors
This manuscript contains: Extracts from the Apostolic Epistles; Selections from the writings of several Fathers. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 20 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 7 1/8in. by 5, consisting of 17 leaves (Add. 14,466, foll. 43—59), some of which are much stained and torn. The quires are signed with letters (ܟܒand ܟܓ).Each page has from 19 to 23 lines. This manuscript is written in a tolerably regular handof the xthor xith cent.

Hand 1 (sole, Unspecified Syriac script): This manuscript is written in a tolerably regular hand of the xth or xith cent.


This manuscript contains 20 item(s) including nested subsections. N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 43a): Extracts from the Apostolic Epistles [defective]
Item 2 (Fol. 43a): Titus (ch. iii. 2)
Item 3 (Fol. 43a): Hebrews
Item 4 (Fol. 43a): James
Item 5 (Fol. 43a): 1 Peter
Item 6 (Fol. 43a): 1 John
Item 7 (Fol. 46a): Selections from the writings of several Fathers
ܬܘܒ ܡܪܬܝܢ܏ܘ ܕܐܒܗ̈ܬܐ ܩ̈ܕܝܫܐ
  Subscription (Fol. 59b): ܫܠܡ. ܒܥܘܕܪܢ ܡܪܢ ܏ܫܘ ܠܐܒܐ ܘܠܒܪܐ ܏ܘܫ
Item 8 (Fol. 46a): Evagrius. Extracts from Evagrius
ܕܐܒܐ ܐܘܓܪܣ
Item 9 (Fol. 46a): The tract entitled in some manuscripts of the passions
ܕܥܠ ܚ̈ܫܐ,
  Incipit: ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܒܕܘ̈ܒܪܐ ܫܦܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܢܐܚܘܢ ܒܥܘܕܪܢܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܨ̇ܒܝ̣ܢ. ܗܠܝܢ ܢܛ̣ܪܘܢ̇ ܏ܘܫ
Item 10 (Fol. 47b): On the eight evil thoughts
  Incipit: ܬܡ̈ܢܝܐ ܓܢ̈ܣܐ ܕܚܘ̈ܫܒܐ ܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ̇. ܕܒܗܘܢ ܡܬܚܫܒ ܟܠ ܚܘܫܒܐ ܕܚ̈ܫܐ. ܏ܘܫ
Item 11 (Fol. 48b): Other short extracts, including several from the tract commencing:ܐܝܟ ܦܪܚܬܐ ܕܒ̇ܙܥܐ ܐܐܪ
Item 12 (Fol. 49b): Isaiah of Scete. Extracts from Isaiah of Scete
ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܐܒܐ ܐܫܥܝܐ
Item 13 (Fol. 49b): Extracts from a discourse
  Incipit: ܠܘܩܕܡ ܠܡܗܝܡܢܘ ܙܕܩ ܡܫܪܪܐܝܬ ܒܡܪܝܐ
Item 14 (Fol. 50b): The short passage on humility
  Incipit: ܠܘܩܕܡ ܠܡܗܝܡܢܘ ܙܕܩ ܡܫܪܪܐܝܬ ܒܡܪܝܐ
Item 15 (Fol. 51a): Part of Extracts from Isaiah of Scete
ܦܘܩ̈ܕܢܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܡܬܪܚܩܝܢ ܡܢ ܥܠܡܐ.
Item 16 (Fol. 52b): Other short extracts
Item 17 (Fol. 55a): Marcus the monk. Extracts from Marcus the Monk
ܕܡܪܩܘܣ ܝܚܝܕܝܐ
Item 18 (Fol. 55a): Extracts from the first discourse on the spiritual law
ܡܢ ܡܐܡܪܐ ܏ܩܕ
Item 19 (Fol. 57b): Extracts from the second discourse
ܡܢ ܡܐܡܪܐ ܏ܕܒ
Item 20 (Fol. 58b): Palladius. Extracts from Palladius' Lives of the Egyptian Fathers
ܕܐܒ̈ܘܬܐ ܡܨܪ̈ܝܐ

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “” in , last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/143.


William Wright et al., “.” In , edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/143.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 14466

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor,
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Daniel J. Greeson, Aaron H. Doenges, Tucker D. Hannah, Robert Aydin, and Justin Arnwine, entry contributors, “”

Additional Credit:

  • Parts 1 through 3 created by Daniel J. Greeson
  • Part 4 created by Aaron H. Doenges
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Edited by Tucker D. Hannah
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by Elizabeth Walston
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Locus information for manuscript items added by Ziyan Zhang
  • Form and material support designations edited by Claire Chen
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors edited by Justin Arnwine
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors checked by Alexys Ahn Joseph DAlfonso
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

Copyright and License for Reuse

Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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