Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 14,627

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/367
Description based on Wright DXLII (2:415) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: 6th or 7th century
Estrangela script ܀ Parchment Codex, 27 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Hymns
This manuscript contains: Ephrem the Syrian. Hymns or metrical discourses of Ephraim. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 25 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 10 in. by 6 ¾, consisting of 27 leaves, some of which are much stained and torn, especially foll. 2—5, 11, and 27. The quires are signed with letters (fol. 22 a, ܙ). Leaves are wanting at the beginning and end, as well as after foll. 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, and 21. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 31 to 37 lines.

Hand 1 (sole, Estrangela script): This volume is written in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or viith cent.

Manuscript Contents

Note: Item numbering updated in digital edition.
Item 1 (Fol. 1): Ephrem the Syrian. Hymns or metrical discourses of Ephraim [defective]
Item 2 (Fol. 1a): Ephrem. On Lent [defective]
ܕܥܠ ܨܘܡܐ
  Subscription (Fol. 7a): ܫܠܡ ܥܣܪܐ ܡܕܪ̈ܫܝܢ ܕܥܠ ܨܘܡܐ ܕܐܪ̈ܒܥܝܢ.
Note: Originally 10 in number, of which only the last two are complete. See Add. 14,571, no. 2 .
Item 3 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. On the Lord's Supper [defective]
  Subscription (Fol. 17b): ܫܠܡ ܥܣܪ̈ܝܢ ܘܚܕ ܡܕܪ̈ܫܝܢ ܕܥܠ ܦܛܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܛܘܒܢܐ ܡܪܝ ܐܦܪܝܡ.
Note: Originally 21 in number. The first two are the same as in Add. 14,571, no. 3 . The hymns between the sixth and the thirteenth are imperfect at the commencement. One of them, which is likewise imperfect, begins, ܒܝܪܚ ܗܒ̈ܒܐ ܝܒܒܘ ܩ̈ܠܘܗܝ ܕܦܠܓܗ̇ ܕܡܪܝܡ ܠܘܩܒܠ ܥܡܐ.
Item 4 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Third madrāshā
  Incipit: ܗܐ ܩܛܝܠ ܒܡܨܪܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܦܨܚܐ
Item 5 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Fourth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܫܡ̣ܥܘ ܛܘܦܣܐ ܓܠܝܐ ܕܒܓܘ ܡܨܪܝܢ
Item 6 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Fifth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܡܪܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܐܦܩ ܒܕܡܗ ܥܡ̈ܡܐ ܡܢ ܛܘܥܝܝ ܐܝܟ ܡܢ ܡܨܪܝܢ
Item 7 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Sixth madrāshā [defective]
  Incipit: ܒܝܬ ܐܡܪܐ ܠܐܡܪܐ ܩܡܘ ܬܠܡ̈ܝܕܐ
Note: Imperfect.
Item 8 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Thirteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܬܘ ܢܥܒܕ ܐܚ̈ܝ ܒܝܪܚ ܢܝܣܢ ܥܕܥܕ ܢܨ̈ܚܢܘܗܝ ܕܐܡܪ ܩܘܫܬܐ
Item 9 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Fourteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܢܬܬܐ ܒܣܡܟܐ ܢܫܩܬ ܪ̈ܓܠܘܗܝ
Item 10 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Fifteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܠܗܐ ܕܢܚܬ ܥܠ ܛܘܪ ܣܝܢܝ. ܒܚܝܠܐ ܗܘ ܕܡܢܗ ܛܥܢܗ ܛܘܪܐ
Item 11 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Sixteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܒܘܟܪܐ ܨ̣ܒܐ ܘܐܚܕܗ ܩܒܪܐ ܙܥܘܪܐ
Item 12 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Seventeenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܢܝܣܢ ܕܡܚܕܬ ܟܠ ܥܩܪ̈ܝܢ. ܠܐ ܐܫܟܚ ܚܕܬ ܥܡܐ ܕܥ̣ܬܩ
Item 13 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Eighteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܥܡ̈ܡܐ ܒܓܘ ܦܨܚܐ ܐܟܠܘ ܚܡܝܥܐ
Item 14 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Nineteenth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܩܡ ܐܡܪ ܩܘܫܬܐ ܘܩܨܐ ܦܓܪܗ ܠܬܡ̈ܝܡܐ ܕܐܟܠܘ ܐܡܪ ܦܨܚܐ
Item 15 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Twentieth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܬܘ ܢܫܡܥ ܐܚ̈ܝ ܥܠ ܒܪ ܟܣܝܐ
Item 16 (Fol. 7a): Ephrem. Twenty-first madrāshā
  Incipit: ܦܨܚܐ ܕܐܬܦܩܕ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܒܙܗܝܘ
Item 17 (Fol. 17b): Ephrem. On the Crucifixion [defective]
ܕܥܠ ܙܩܝܦܘܬܐ
Note: 3 in number.
Item 18 (Fol. 17b): Ephrem. First madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܘ ܠܡܪܗ ܕܕܘܝܕ ܕܪܟܒ ܥܝܠܐ ܘܐܬܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܘܬܗ̇ ܕܒܪܬ ܨܗܝܘܢ
Item 19 (Fol. 17b): Ephrem. Second madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܘ ܐܡܪܐ ܟܣܝܐ ܕܢܟܣ ܐܡܪܐ ܓܠܝܐ ܒܓܘ ܡܨܪܝܢ
Item 20 (Fol. 17b): Ephrem. Third madrāshā [defective]
  Incipit: ܒܐܪ̈ܒܥܣܪܐ ܢܟܣ ܐܡܪ ܦܨܚܐ. ܒܝܬ ܫܡ̈ܫܐ ܠܡ ܐܝܟ ܡܐ ܕܟܬܝܒ.
Item 21 (Fol. 22a): Ephrem. On the Resurrection [defective]
ܕܥܠ ܩܝܡܬܐ
Note: At present 5 in number. The first is slightly imperfect at the beginning.
Item 22 (Fol. 22a): Ephrem. Second madrāshā
  Incipit: ܪܟܘܒܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܝ ܢܡܘܣܟ ܗ̇ܘ ܕܓܠܐ ܥܠ ܦܪܕܝܣܐ
Item 23 (Fol. 22a): Ephrem. Third madrāshā
  Incipit: ܢܝܣܢ ܝܪܚܐ ܙܟܝܐ ܕܐܫܬܕܪ ܡܢ ܙܟܝܐ
Item 24 (Fol. 22a): Ephrem. Fourth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܐܘܫܛ ܠܢ ܡܪܝ ܒܪܝܟܐ ܩܠܝܠ ܡܢ ܥܘܬܪܟ ܒܝܪܚܐ ܡܥܬܪ ܟܠ
Item 25 (Fol. 22a): Ephrem. Fifth madrāshā
  Incipit: ܒܗܢܐ ܝܪܚܐ ܫܦܝܥܐ ܫܦܥܬ ܡܘܗܒܬܟ ܕܠܐ ܚܣܡ ܥܠ ܟܠܐ.
Note: Imperfect.

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “” in , last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/367.


William Wright et al., “.” In , edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/367.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 14627

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor,
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Daniel J. Greeson, Tucker D. Hannah, Robert Aydin, and Justin Arnwine, entry contributors, “”

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Justin A. Arnwine
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by Elizabeth Walston
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Locus information for manuscript items added by Ziyan Zhang
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors edited by Justin Arnwine
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors checked by Alexys Ahn Joseph DAlfonso
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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