Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 17,111

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/740
Description based on Wright CLXXVI (1:125-126) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: AD 927 / AG 1238
Unspecified Syriac script ܀ Parchment Codex, 89 leaves.
Features: Decoration
Wright's Subject Classification: Psalters
This manuscript contains: The Psalms, according to the Peshitta version; The Canticles. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 7 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 7 1/2 in. by 6, consisting of 89 leaves, some of which are slightly stained and torn, especially foll. 1, 10, and 11. The quires, ten in number, are signed with letters. One or two leaves are wanting at the end. There are from 13 to 23 lines in each page.

Hand 1 (sole, Unspecified Syriac script): This volume is written in a good, regular hand, dated A. Gr. 1238, A.D. 927.
Decoration (Rubrication): From Ps. cix. to the end, they are furnished with headings, written with red and green pigments.

Manuscript Contents

Note: Item numbering updated in digital edition.
Item 1 (Fol. 1b): The Psalms, according to the Peshitta version
.ܥܠ ܚܝܠܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܡܫܪܝܢܢ ܕܢܟܬܘܒ ܬܫ̈ܒܚܬܐ ܕܕܘܝܕ ܡܠܟܐ ܘܢܒܝܐ
  • To Ps. i.—cviii. there are no headings, except the simple numbers of the Psalms (ܩܕܡܝܐ ܡܙܡܘܪܐ, ܕܬܪ̈ܬܝܢ, etc.), even the number of ܦܬܓ̈ܡܐ, or versicles, having been omitted.
  • See additions.
Item 2 (Fol. 86a): The Canticles
Item 3 (Fol. 86a): The first song of Moses
Item 4 (Fol. 87a): The song of Isaiah
Item 5 (Fol. 87b): The second song of Moses
Item 6 (Fol. 89b): The song of the blessed Virgin (Magnificat)
Item 7 (Fol. 89b): The Beatitudes


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: In Ps. v.—xxviii., the number of ܦܬܓ̈ܡܐ, or versicles, has been subsequently inserted.
Addition 2: After Ps. cl. there is added, from the LXX., Ps. cli., ܗܢܐ ܡܙܡܘܪܐ ܐܡܪܗ : ܕܘܝܕ ܥܠ ܢܦܫܗ ܟܕ ܐܬܟ݁ܬܫ ܥܡ ܓܘܠܝܕ: ܦ̈ܬ :܏ ܏ܝܕ
Addition 3: A later hand has marked on the margins of the Psalms the division into ܡܪ̈ܡܝܬܐ and ܫܘܒ̈ܚܐ.
Addition 4 (Fol. 86a): From the subscription, fol. 86 a, in which the contents are enumerated, it appears that this volume was written in the convent of S. Mary Deipara in the desert of Scete, A. Gr. 1238, A.D. 927. ܫܠܡ. ܠܡܟܬܒ : ܬܫ̈ܒܚܬܐ ܕܛܘܒܢܐ : ܕܘܝܕ : ܘܢܒܝܐ : ܘܡ̇ܠܟܐ : ܕܗ̇ܘܝܢ : ܒܡܢܝܢܐ : ܡܐܐ : ܘܚܡܫܝܢ : ܣܦܪ̈ܐ : ܚܡܫܐ : ܟܠܗܘܢ. ܕܝܢ : ܦ̈ܬ : ܗܘܿܝܢ ܐܪ̈ܒܥܐ ܐ̈ܠܦܝܢ : ܘܬܡܢܡܐ (sic) ܘܬܠܬܝܢ : ܘܬܪܬܝܢ : ܘܗܢܐ ܙܥܘܪܐ ܕܝܠܗ : ܘܬܪ̈ܬܝܢ : ܕܡܘܫܐ : ܘܚܕܐ : ܕܐܫܥܝܐ. ܢܒܝܐ : ܘܚܕܐ. ܕܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ : ܘܗ̈ܠܝܢ ܛܘ̈ܒܐ : ܕܝܗ̣ܒ : ܡܪܢ : ܠܬ̈ܠ܏ܡـ. ܘܨܠܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܦ ܡܪܢ ܠܬ̈ܠ܏ܡܕ. ܘ܏ܫܘ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܒ܏ܡܪ : ܐܫܬܠܡ ܫܢܬ ܐܠܦܐ ܘܪ ܘ܏ܠܚ ܕܝܘ̈ܢܝܐ ܒܪܝܫܗ ܕܐܝܪ ܕܝܠܗ̇ ܕܫܢܬܐ ܒܕܝܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܒܡܕܒܪܐ ܕܐܣܩܝܛܐ܀

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 17111” in A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/740.


William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 17111.” In A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/740.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 17111

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor, A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Robert Aydin, and Roman Brasoveanu, entry contributors, “London, BL, Add. 17111

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Roman Brasoveanu
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Edited by William L. Potter
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by Lindsay Ruth
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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