Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 25,874

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1143
Description based on Wright CCLXXXII (1:213-214) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: AD 1740
East Syriac script ܀ Paper Codex, 49 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Missals
This manuscript contains: The order of the celebration of Mass, according to the use of the Chaldaeans or Nestorian converts to the Church at Rome, with an Arabic translation, in Syriac characters, in parallel columns.; ܚܘ̈ܬܵܡܸܐ or dimissory hymns, for sundry occasions, in Arabic only.; The Epistle and Gospel for the days of the week, commencing with Sunday, in Arabic only. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 7 items.

Physical Description

Paper, about 12 1/8 in. by 7, consisting of 49 leaves, some of which are slightly soiled and torn, especially foll. 1 and 26. The quires, signed with letters, are five in number. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 21 to 26 lines.

Hand 1 (sole, East Syriac script): This volume is written in a good, Nestorian hand, with numerous vowels.

Manuscript Contents

Note: Item numbering updated in digital edition.
Item 1 (Fol. 1a): The order of the celebration of Mass, according to the use of the Chaldaeans or Nestorian converts to the Church at Rome, with an Arabic translation, in Syriac characters, in parallel columns.
Item 2 (Fol. 34b): ܚܘ̈ܬܵܡܸܐ or dimissory hymns, for sundry occasions, in Arabic only.
Item 3 (Fol. 34b): Patriarch Joseph II. The Nativity, by the patriarch Joseph II.
ܒܣܡ ܐܠܐܒ݁ ܘܠܐܒ݁ܢ ܘܠܐܪܘܼܳܚ ܐܠܩܳܕܣ ܐܸܠܗً ܘܐܚܕ ܢܟ݁ܬܒ ܚܬܐܡ ܥܝ̣ܕ ܐܲܠܡܝ̣ܠܐܕ ܡ̣ܢ ܩܘܠ ܡܐܪ ܝܘܼܣܦ݁ ܐܠܬ݂ܐܢܝ̣
  Incipit: ܝܵܐ ܝܲܣܘܳܥ̣ ܡܟ݂ܠܸܨܢܐ̣. ܦ݁ܝ̣ܛ̇ ܢܳܘܼܪܲܟ ܘܢܲܘܪ ܩܲܠܒ݁ܢܐ. ܟܲܝ ܢܸܦ݁ܗܲܡ ܣܸܪ ܟܲܠܐܨܢܵܐ̣. ܐܲܠܟܵܐܝܸܢ ܡ̣ܢ ܐܲܓܠܢܐ
Note: See Assem., Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 457; Le Quien, Or., Christ., t. ii., col. 1162.
Item 4 (Fol. 35a): The Commemoration of the blessed Virgin.
ܐܵܟ̣ܪ ܓܲܝܪܗܳ ܐܠܝ ܥܝ̣ܕ ܐܠܥܕܪܝ ܡܲܪܝܡ
  Incipit: ܐܲܛܠܸܒ ܐܲܠܥܲܘܢ ܡ̣ܢ ܐܲܠܠܗ̣. ܘܐܲܡܲܓّܕ ܘܵܐܠܕܗ̈ ܐܠܠܗ. ܘܐܲܠܡܸܠܗܸܳܡ ܝܟ݁ܘܳܢ̣ ܐܠܠܗ܆ ܠܝ̣ ܘܠܟ݁ܳܠܡ̇ܢ ܝܪܝ̣ܕ ܐܲܠܠܗ
Item 5 (Fol. 36a): Patriarch Joseph I. The same, by the patriarch Joseph I.
ܚܬܐܡ ܐܵܟ݂ܪ ܓ̣ܝܪܗܳ ܐܠܝ ܥܝ̣ܕ ܐܠܥܕܪܝ ܡ̣ܢ ܩܲܘܠ ܡܵܐܪ ܝܳܘܼܣܦ݁ ܐܠܐܘّܠ ܒܲܛܪܟ ܐܠܟܲܠ܏ܕܐ:
  Incipit: ܒܸܣܡ ܐܲܠܬ݂ܐܠܘܼܳܬ݂ ܐܲܠܡܲܣܓܘܼܳܕ: ܐܸܠܵܐܗً ܘܵܐܚܸܕ ܡܲܥܒ݁ܘܳܕ. ܢܸܡܕܲܚ ܡܲܪܝܡ ܩܸܕܣ ܠܐܩܕܐܣ̣. ܣܸܬ ܐܠܡܲܠܐܝܟܲܗ ܘܐܠܢܵܐܣ
Note: See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 457; Le Quien, Oriens Christ., t. ii., col. 1161.
Item 6 (Fol. 37a): Joseph I. Any of the festivals of our Lord, by Joseph I.
ܚܬܐܡ ܐܵܟ̣ܪ ܐܠܝ ܐܸܥܝܵܐܕ ܡܘܼܪܵܐܢܝّ̣ܗ ܡ̣ܢ ܩܲܘܠ ܡܐܪ ܝܘܼܣܦ݁ ܐܠܐܘّܠ ܒܵܛܲܪܝܲܪܟ ܐܠܟܲܠܕܲܢܝّ̣ܝ̣ܢ.
  Incipit: ܐܸܠܵܠܐ ܐܠܟܳܠ ܐܸܥܛܝ̣ܢܐ̣. ܘܡ̣ܢ ܐܢܥܵܐܡܲܟ ܐܸܓ̣ܢܝ̣ܢܐ. ܘܲܒ݁ܪܲܚܡܸܬܲܟ ܐܸܡܠܝ̣ܢܐ̣. ܘܥܲܢ ܝܲܡܝ̣ܢܲܟ ܐܸܓܥܲܠܢܐ܀
Note: This is alphabetical.
Item 7 (Fol. 38a): The Epistle and Gospel for the days of the week, commencing with Sunday, in Arabic only.
ܘܐܝܨ̇ܐً ܒܥܲܘܢ ܐܠܠܗ ܬܥܐܠܝ ܢܟ݁ܬܒ݁ ܟ݁ܣܐܝܸܠ ܘܐܲܢܐܓܝ̣ܠ ܐܲܝܵܐܡ ܐܠܐܣܒ݁ܘܼܥ ܐ܏ܘّܠܐً ܐܠܝ ܝܲܘܡ ܐܠܐܚܕ܀


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: The subscription, fol. 49 a, sates that this manuscript was written by the deacon Michael, son of the metropolitan Basil, of ‘Ain Tannūr , A.D. 1740. ܟܡܸܠ ܒܥܲܘܢ ܐܠܠܗ ܬܲܥܐܠܝ ܟܬܐܒ݁ ܛܟ̣ܣ ܐܠܩܕܐܣ ܘܪܲܣܐܝܸܠ ܘܐܲܢܓܝ̣ܠ ܐܲܝܵܐܡ ܐܠܣܲܒܹ݁ܗ. ܥܲܠܝ ܝܲܕ ܐܠܚܲܩܝ̣ܪ ܫܲܡܐܣ ܡܝ̣ܟ̣ܐܝܠ ܐܒ݁ܢ ܐܠܡܲܪܚܘܼܡ ܡܸܛܪܐܢ ܒܵܐܣܹܝܠܝ̣ܘܿܣ ܐܠܣܵܐܟܸ݁ܢ ܩܲܪܝّ̣ܗ̈ ܥܲܝܢ ܬܲܢܘܼܪ܀ܟܚ܀ ܝܘܡ ܡ̣ܢ ܫܗܪ ܬܲܡܘܼܙ ܠܣܢܗ̈ . ܡܲܣܝ̣ܚܝّ̣ܗ ܐܥܵܡ

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 25874” in A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1143.


William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 25874.” In A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1143.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 25874

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor, A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Robert Aydin, Jessica Pagan, and Justin Arnwine, entry contributors, “London, BL, Add. 25874

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Jessica Pagan
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Edited by Lindsay Ruth
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by William L. Potter
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors edited by Justin Arnwine
  • Syriaca.org URIs for authors checked by Alexys Ahn Joseph DAlfonso
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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