Add. 14,575
7th century
Estrangela script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Codex, 108 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification:
Individual Authors
This manuscript contains: Isaiah of Scete. The works of Isaiah, abbat of Scete. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 28 items.
Physical Description
Vellum, about 11 in. by 7 1/8, consisting of 108 leaves, the first two of which are slightly torn. The quires were originally 12 in number, but the last is now missing. They are signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (e. g. fol 61, %; fol. 71, %). Each page is divided into two columns, of from 38 to 42 lines. This volume is written in a fine, regular Estrangela of the viith cent., with with the exception of fol. 81, which is a later restoration.
Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script):
This volume is written in a fine, regular Estrangela of the viith cent.
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script):
With the exception of folio 81, which is a later restoration.
Hand 3 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script):
See additions.
Hand 4 (minor, ):
See additions.
Hand 5 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script):
See additions.
Manuscript Contents
Note: Item numbering updated in digital edition.
Item 1 (Fol. 1b): Isaiah of Scete. The works of Isaiah, abbat of Scete [defective]
Item 2 (Fol. 3b): Discourse profitable to the soul
Title: ܡܐܡܪܐ ܡܘܬܪܢܐ ܕܢܦܫܐ ܕܐܒܐ ܐܫܥܝܐ
Title: ܡܐܡܪܐ ܡܘܬܪܢܐ ܕܢܦܫܐ ܕܐܒܐ ܐܫܥܝܐ
Item 3 (Fol. 5b): Sayings of twelve wandering monks
Title: ܬܪ̈ܥܣܪ ܡܬܟܪ̈ܟܢܐ ܟܕ ܝܬܝܒܝܢ ܐܡ̣ܪܘ̣ ܗܠܝܢ
Title: ܬܪ̈ܥܣܪ ܡܬܟܪ̈ܟܢܐ ܟܕ ܝܬܝܒܝܢ ܐܡ̣ܪܘ̣ ܗܠܝܢ
Item 4 (Fol. 6b): How brethren should be towards one another
Title: ܕܐܝܟܢܐ ܘ̇ܠܐ ܠܗܘܢ ܠܐ̈ܚܐ̇. ܕܢܗܘܘܢ ܥܡ ܚ̈ܕܕܐ
Title: ܕܐܝܟܢܐ ܘ̇ܠܐ ܠܗܘܢ ܠܐ̈ܚܐ̇. ܕܢܗܘܘܢ ܥܡ ܚ̈ܕܕܐ
Item 5 (Fol. 8a): On humility
Title: ܡܛܠ ܡܟܝܟܘܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܡܟܝܟܘܬܐ
Item 6 (Fol. 8a): Precepts to these who renounce the world
Title: ܦܘܩ̈ܕܢܐ̣. ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܡܬܪܚܩܝܢ ܡܢ ܥܠܡܐ
Title: ܦܘܩ̈ܕܢܐ̣. ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܡܬܪܚܩܝܢ ܡܢ ܥܠܡܐ
Item 7 (Fol. 9a): Concerning what he heard and saw among the Fathers
Title: ܡܛܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܫܡ̣ܥ ܘܚ̣ܙܐ ܨܝܕ ܣܒ̈ܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܫܡ̣ܥ ܘܚ̣ܙܐ ܨܝܕ ܣܒ̈ܐ
Item 8 (Fol. 13a): To his disciple Peter
Title: ܕܝܕ ܦܛܪܐ ܬܠܡܝܕܐ
Title: ܕܝܕ ܦܛܪܐ ܬܠܡܝܕܐ
Item 9 (Fol. 27a): Precepts to the brethren who were with him
Title: ܦܘ̈ܩܕܢܐ ܠܐܚ̈ܐ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܥܡܗ
Title: ܦܘ̈ܩܕܢܐ ܠܐܚ̈ܐ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܥܡܗ
Item 10 (Fol. 28a): Of the mind in its natural state
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗܘܢܐ ܕܒܟܝܢܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗܘܢܐ ܕܒܟܝܢܐ
Item 11 (Fol. 28b): For the training of novices
Title: ܡܛܠ ܛܘܟܣܐ ܕܐ̈ܚܐ ܫܪ̈ܘܝܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܛܘܟܣܐ ܕܐ̈ܚܐ ܫܪ̈ܘܝܐ
Item 12 (Fol. 31b): Concerning the conscience of those who dwell in the cell
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܐܬܪܬܐ ܕܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܝܬ݁ܒܝܢ ܒܩܠܝܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܐܬܪܬܐ ܕܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܝܬ݁ܒܝܢ ܒܩܠܝܬܐ
Item 13 (Fol. 39a): Precepts to these who wish to live together in peace
Title: ܡܛܠ ܦܘܩ̈ܕܢܐ ܡܗ̈ܝܡܢܐ̇. ܘܒܢܝ̇ܢܐ ܕܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܒܥ̇ܝܢ ܕܒܫܝܢܐ ܢܥܡܪܘܢ ܥܡ ܚ̈ܕܕܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܦܘܩ̈ܕܢܐ ܡܗ̈ܝܡܢܐ̇. ܘܒܢܝ̇ܢܐ ܕܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܒܥ̇ܝܢ ܕܒܫܝܢܐ ܢܥܡܪܘܢ ܥܡ ܚ̈ܕܕܐ
Item 14 (Fol. 43a): Concerning those who wish to live in good peace, etc.
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܒܥ̇ܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܘܢ ܒܫܝܢܐ ܛܒ̇ܐ̇. ܘܢܚܘܪܘܢ ܒܢܦܫܗܘܢ ܠܡ̣ܦܪܫ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܓܒ̇ܝܢ ܠܗܘܢ̇. ܘܠܐ ܢܦܩܘܢܝܗܝ ܠܙܒܢܐ ܒܫܒ̣ܝܐ ܘܒܥ̣ܒܕܘܬܐ ܡܪܝܪܬܐ. ܗܠܝܢ ܕܡܦܝܣܝܢ ܠܠܒܘ̈ܬܗܘܢ̇. ܕܨܒ̈ܘܬܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܠܐ ܠܚ̇ܡܢ ܠܗܘܢ̣ ܘܡܪܦܝܢ ܚܛܗ̈ܝܗܘܢ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܒܥ̇ܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܘܢ ܒܫܝܢܐ ܛܒ̇ܐ̇. ܘܢܚܘܪܘܢ ܒܢܦܫܗܘܢ ܠܡ̣ܦܪܫ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܓܒ̇ܝܢ ܠܗܘܢ̇. ܘܠܐ ܢܦܩܘܢܝܗܝ ܠܙܒܢܐ ܒܫܒ̣ܝܐ ܘܒܥ̣ܒܕܘܬܐ ܡܪܝܪܬܐ. ܗܠܝܢ ܕܡܦܝܣܝܢ ܠܠܒܘ̈ܬܗܘܢ̇. ܕܨܒ̈ܘܬܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܠܐ ܠܚ̇ܡܢ ܠܗܘܢ̣ ܘܡܪܦܝܢ ܚܛܗ̈ܝܗܘܢ
Item 15 (Fol. 46b): On repentance, in reply to Abba Peter
Title: ܡܛܠ ܬܝܒܘܬܐ܀ ܕܫܐܠܗ̣ ܐܒ̇ܐ ܦܛܪܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܬܝܒܘܬܐ܀ ܕܫܐܠܗ̣ ܐܒ̇ܐ ܦܛܪܐ
Item 16 (Fol. 53a): Concerning the joy of the soul that seeks to serve God
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܕܘܬܐ ܕܗܘ̇ܝܐ ܠܢܦܫܐ. ܗ̇ܝ ܕܒܥܝܐ ܠܡܫܬܥܒܕܘ ܠܐܠܗܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܕܘܬܐ ܕܗܘ̇ܝܐ ܠܢܦܫܐ. ܗ̇ܝ ܕܒܥܝܐ ܠܡܫܬܥܒܕܘ ܠܐܠܗܐ
Item 17 (Fol. 59b): Extracts from the Scriptures against the passions that war with ascetics
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗ̇ܝ ܕܐܡܪ ܠܘܩܒܠ ܚ̈ܫܐ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܡܩ̣ܪܒܝܢ ܥܡ ܥܢܘ̈ܝܐ̇. ܠܡܫܒܚܘ ܠܟܠ ܐܢܫ̇. ܐܝܟ ܕܘܠ̇ܐ ܠܡܦܢܝܘ ܡܢ ܟܬܒ̈ܐ ܩܕܝ̈ܫܐ̇. ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܛܝܒܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܩܕܡ̣ܬ݁ ܐܠܦ̣ܬ݁ ܠܢ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܗ̇ܝ ܕܐܡܪ ܠܘܩܒܠ ܚ̈ܫܐ ܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܡܩ̣ܪܒܝܢ ܥܡ ܥܢܘ̈ܝܐ̇. ܠܡܫܒܚܘ ܠܟܠ ܐܢܫ̇. ܐܝܟ ܕܘܠ̇ܐ ܠܡܦܢܝܘ ܡܢ ܟܬܒ̈ܐ ܩܕܝ̈ܫܐ̇. ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܛܝܒܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܩܕܡ̣ܬ݁ ܐܠܦ̣ܬ݁ ܠܢ
Item 18 (Fol. 68b): Concerning the grain of mustard
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܦܪܕܬܐ ܕܚܪܕܠܐ
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܦܪܕܬܐ ܕܚܪܕܠܐ
Item 19 (Fol. 68b): Concerning wine
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܡܪܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܡܪܐ
Item 20 (Fol. 69b): Concerning those who have striven, and have attained perfection
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܐܬܟܬܫܘ ܘܫܡܠܝܘ
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܐܬܟܬܫܘ ܘܫܡܠܝܘ
Item 21 (Fol. 71b): Concerning the holy work of the new man
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܥܒ̇ܕܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܒܪܢܫܐ ܚܚܕܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܘܠ ܥܒ̇ܕܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܒܪܢܫܐ ܚܚܕܬܐ
Item 22 (Fol. 75b): Lament
Title: ܡܛܠ ܣܘܥܪܢܐ ܕܐܒܠܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܣܘܥܪܢܐ ܕܐܒܠܐ
Item 23 (Fol. 76b): Concerning the branches of evil
Title: ܡܛܠ ܣܘ̈ܟܐ ܕܒܝܫܘܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܣܘ̈ܟܐ ܕܒܝܫܘܬܐ
Item 24 (Fol. 89b): Of perfection
Title: ܡܛܠ ܡܫܡܠܝܘܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܡܫܡܠܝܘܬܐ
Item 25 (Fol. 92b): Of impassibility
Title: ܡܛܠ ܠܐ ܚܫܘܫܘܬܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܠܐ ܚܫܘܫܘܬܐ
Item 26 (Fol. 96a): A collection of sayings
Incipit: ܐܬ݁ܓܒܪܘ ܠܡܩܡܘ̣ ܗ̇ܝ ܕܡܬܚܝܒܐ
Item 27 (Fol. 103b): Concerning the cares of work [defective]
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܘܫ̈ܒܐ ܕܦܘܠܚܢܐ
Title: ܡܛܠ ܚܘܫ̈ܒܐ ܕܦܘܠܚܢܐ
Note: To this is appended the following.
Item 28 (Fol. 108a): Evagrius of Pontus. An extract from Evagrius [defective]
Title: ܡܢ ܕܛܘܒܢܐ ܐܘܓܪܝܣ ܐܝܚܝܕܝܐ Incipit: ܟܕ ܝܬ݁ܒ ܐܢܬ ܒܩܠܝܬܟ݂. ܥ̇ܠܐ ܠܗܘܢܟ ܠܥܠ.
Title: ܡܢ ܕܛܘܒܢܐ ܐܘܓܪܝܣ ܐܝܚܝܕܝܐ Incipit: ܟܕ ܝܬ݁ܒ ܐܢܬ ܒܩܠܝܬܟ݂. ܥ̇ܠܐ ܠܗܘܢܟ ܠܥܠ.
Addition 1 (Fol. 1b):
Fol. 1b contains an index to the contents of the volume,ܩܘܕܝܟܣ ܕܡܐܡܪܐ, drawn up by a later hand. From this index, which is not, however, quite accurate, it appears that the volume once comprised not only the works of Isaiah of Scete, but also certain discourses of John Chrysostom and Jacob of Batnae
ܬܘܪ̈ܓܡܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܐܝܘܐܢܢܝܣ. ܐ ܡܪܬܝܢܘܬܐ ܐ. ܒ ܥܠ ܒܪܐ ܐܣܘܛܐ ܒ. ܓ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܥܠ ܒܪܐ ܐܣܘܛܐ ܓ. ܕ ܕܩܘܕܫ ܥܕܬܐ ܕ . ܗ ܐܝܟ ܐܝܠܐ ܕܓܥ̇ܐ ܗ . ܘ ܥܠ ܥܘܬܪܐ ܘܡܣܟܢܘܬܐ ܘ. ܙ ܕܠܐܒܗ̈ܝܗܘܢ ܢܫܬܡܥܘܢ ܙ . ܚ ܕܡܬܐܒܠܝܢ ܥܠ ܡܝ̣ܬܐ ܚ. ܝ ܕܢܣܝܒܪ ܢܣܝܘܢܐ ܝ. ܬܘܪ̈ܓܡܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܡܠܦ ܝܐ ܥܠ ܝܠ̣ܕܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܐ. ܝܒ ܕܝܠܗ ܬܘܪܓܡܐ ܥܠ ܕܢܚܐ ܝܒ. ܝܓ ܥܠ ܨܘܡܐ ܝܓ. ܝܕ ܕܝܠܗ ܥܠ ܐܘܫ̈ܥܢܐ ܝܕ. ܝܗ ܕܝܠܗ ܥܠ ܚܫܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܗ. ܝܘ ܕܝܠܗ ܥܠ ܩܝܡܬܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܘ. ܝܙ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܘܐܢܢܝܣ. ܐܡ̇ܪܬ ܕܛܪ ܐܘܪܚܝ ܘܠܐ ܐܚ̇ܛܐ ܒܠܫܢܝ ܝܙ. ܝܚ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܡܠܦܢܐ ܕܨܝܕ ܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܢ̈ܦܫܬܐ ܝܚ.
Addition 2 (Fol. 1b):
On the same page we find, in an old Arabic hand, the words:
followed by the Syriac translation:
ܨܝܕ ܒܪܨܘܡܐ ܟ̈ܬܒܐ ܚܡܫܐ
in the possession of Bar-saumā there around five books.
Addition 3 (Fol. 2a):
On foll. 2 and 3a we read the lament of Simon Peter after his apostasy, written in a rather rude hand of the viiith cent., beginning:
ܦܪܘܩܢ ܟܐܦܐ ܒܚܫܐ ܒܟܐ ܗܘܐ ܚܕܐ ܕܠܪܒܗ ܨܠܘ̈ܒܘܗܝ ܐܚܪܝܬܐ ܥܠ ܕܟܦܪ ܒܗ. ܟܕ ܒܟܐ ܒܚܫܐ ܕܠܘܬܝ ܐܘܒܕܬܗ ܕܒܡܪܝ ܗܐ ܟܦܪܬ܀
This is a sūgīthā of Jacob of Batnae
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William Wright et al., “” in , last modified April 21, 2023,
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William Wright et al., “.” In , edited by . The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. this Entry
Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 14575
Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:
- David A. Michelson, general editor, The Syriac Reference Portal
- , editor,
- William Wright, David A. Michelson, Justin A. Arnwine, Robert Aydin, and Justin Arnwine, entry contributors, “”
Additional Credit:
- Created by Justin A. Arnwine
- Based on the work of William Wright
- Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
- Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
- Project management by Elizabeth Walston
- English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
- URIs for authors edited by Justin Arnwine
- URIs for authors checked by Alexys Ahn Joseph DAlfonso
- Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban
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