Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
development Not for citation.
App Version: 2.58
Data Version: 0.14

Add. 14,690

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/548
Description based on Wright CCLXI (1:205-207) Link to Archive.org Bibliographic record
Date: AD 1182 / AG 1493
Unspecified Syriac script (multiple hands) ܀ Paper Codex, 180 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: Missals
This manuscript contains: A collection of Anaphoras. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 52 items.

Physical Description

Paper, about 9 5/8 in. by 6 1/2, consisting of 180 leaves, some of which are much stained and torn, especially foll. 1—7, 178 and 179. The quires, signed with letters, are 18 in number. Two leaves are wanting at the beginning. There are from 17 to 27 lines in each page.

Hand 1 (major, Unspecified Syriac script): The writing is good and regular
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.

Manuscript Contents

Note: Item numbering updated in digital edition.
Item 1 (Fol. 1a): A collection of Anaphoras
  Excerpt: ܐܢܢܐܦܘܪ̈ܐ ܕܩ̈ܕܝܫܐ ܘܠܒܝ̣̈ܫܝ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܐܒܗ̈ܬܐ ܕܝܠܢ ܘܡ̈ܠܦܢܐ ܬܪ̈ܝܨܝ ܏ܫܘ
Note: The Formula of Institution, as it occurs in these and many other liturgies, is given in Neale’s Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, etc., 2nd edit., by the Rev. Dr. Littledale, 1869, pp. 193-247.
Item 2 (Fol. 1a): Of S. James
ܐܢܐܦܘܪܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܐܚܘܗܝ ܕܡܪܢ
Item 3 (Fol. 1a): Sundry Prayers
Item 4 (Fol. 1a): A Prooemium
ܦܪܘܐܡܝܘܢ ܕܡܥ̇ܠܬܐ
Item 5 (Fol. 1a): A Sedrā
ܣܕܪܐ ܕܡ̇ܥܠܬܐ
Item 6 (Fol. 1a): The Anaphora
Item 7 (Fol. 14b): Of S. John the Evangelist
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܫܠܝܚܐ ܘܐܘܢܓܠܝܣܛܐ
Note: (See Renaudot, Liturg. Orient., t. ii., p. 163)
Item 8 (Fol. 14b): A Prooemium
Item 9 (Fol. 14b): A Sedrā
Item 10 (Fol. 14b): The Anaphora
Item 11 (Fol. 23a): Of Ignatius
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܪܝ ܐܝܓܢܛܝܘܣ ܢܘܪܢܐ. ܬܠܡܝܕܗ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܐܘܢܓܠܝܣܛܐ. ܐܦܝ܏ܣܩ ܕܬܪ̈ܝܢ ܕܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ (sic) ܗ̇ܘ ܕܫܩ̣ܠ ܡܪܢ ܥܠ ܕܪ̈ܥܘܗܝ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 215)
Item 12 (Fol. 23a): A Prooemium
Item 13 (Fol. 23a): A Sedrā
Item 14 (Fol. 23a): The Anaphora
Item 15 (Fol. 37a): Of Clement, the disciple of S. Peter
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܘܠܒ̣ܝܫ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܩܠܡܝܣ ܐܦܝ܏ܣܩ ܕܪܘܡܝ. ܬܠܡܝܕܗ ܕܦܛܪܘܣ ܫܠܝܚܐ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 186)
Item 16 (Fol. 37a): A Prooemium
Item 17 (Fol. 37a): A Sedrā
Item 18 (Fol. 37a): The Anaphora
Item 19 (Fol. 49a): Of Julius, bishop of Rome
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܝܘܠܝܘܣ ܐܦܝܣ܏ܩܘ ܕܪܘܡܝ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 227)
Item 20 (Fol. 49a): A Prooemium
Item 21 (Fol. 49a): A Sedrā
Item 22 (Fol. 49a): The Anaphora
Item 23 (Fol. 56b): Of Dionysius the Areopagite
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܪܝ ܕܝܢܘܣܝܘܣ ܐܦܝܣ܏ܩܘ ܕܐܬܝܢܣ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 202)
Item 24 (Fol. 56b): A Prooemium
Item 25 (Fol. 56b): A Sedrā
Item 26 (Fol. 56b): The Anaphora
Item 27 (Fol. 69a): Of Gregory Nazianzen
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܓܪܝܓܘܪܝܘܣ ܬܐܘܠܓܘܣ
  Incipit: ܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܐ ܛܘܒܬܢ ܒܟܠ ܘܛ̇ܒܐ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ. ܗ̇ܘ ܕܒܢܘܗܪܐ ܕܡܬܘܡܝܘܬܗ ܥ̇ܡܪ: ܏ܘܫ
Note: (see Assemani, Codex Liturgicus, t. vii., p. 185)
Item 28 (Fol. 69a): A Prooemium
Item 29 (Fol. 69a): A Sedrā
Item 30 (Fol. 69a): The Anaphora
Item 31 (Fol. 83b): Of John Chrysostom
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩ܏ܕܝ ܡܪܝ ܐܝܘܐܢܢܝܘ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 242)
Item 32 (Fol. 83b): A Prooemium
Item 33 (Fol. 83b): A Sedrā
Item 34 (Fol. 83b): The Anaphora
Item 35 (Fol. 97a): Of Cyril of Alexandria, or, according to the marginal note, of Jerusalem
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܘܠܒ̣ܝܫ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܩܘܪܝܠܘܣ ܐܦܝܣ܏ܩ ܕܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܝܐ܇ ܐܝܟ ܕܢܦܝ̣ܩ ܚ̣ܕܬܐܝܬ ܡܢ ܝܘܢܝܐ ܠܣܘܪܝܝܐ
  Excerpt: ܗܕܐ ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܘܪܝܠܘܣ ܐܦܝܣ܏ܩܘ ܕܐܘܪܫܠܡ ܐܝܬܝܗ̇. ܘܠܘ ܩܘܪܝܠܘܣ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܐܠܟܣܢـ[ܕܪܝܐ]
Note: See Renaudot, p. 275; Assemani, Cod. Liturg., t. v., p. 155.
Item 36 (Fol. 97a): A Prooemium
Item 37 (Fol. 97a): A Sedrā
Item 38 (Fol. 97a): The Anaphora
Item 39 (Fol. 108b): Of Celestinus, bishop of Rome
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܘܠܒ̣ܝܫ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܩܐܠܐܣܛܝܢܘܣ ܐܦܝ܏ܣ ܕܪܘܡܝ
Note: This anaphora has been printed in the Journal of Sacred Literature for April, 1867.
Item 40 (Fol. 108b): A Prooemium
Item 41 (Fol. 108b): A Sedrā
Item 42 (Fol. 108b): The Anaphora
Item 43 (Fol. 120a): Of Jacob of Batnae
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܏ܕܩܕܝ ܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܡܠܦܢܐ ܕܒܛܢܢ ܕܣܪܘܓ
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 356)
Item 44 (Fol. 120a): A Prooemium
Item 45 (Fol. 120a): A Sedrā
Item 46 (Fol. 120a): The Anaphora
Item 47 (Fol. 133a): Of Philoxenus of Mabug
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܏ܕܩܕܝ ܡܪܝ ܦܝܠܠܟܣܝܢܘܣ ܐܦܝ܏ܣܩ ܕܡܒܘܓ
  Incipit: ܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܐ ܚܝܠܬܢܐ ܘܠܐ ܡܬܕܪܟܢܐ
Note: See Renaudot, p. 310.
Item 48 (Fol. 133a): A Sedrā
Item 49 (Fol. 133a): The Anaphora
Item 50 (Fol. 144b): Of Lazarus bar Sābtā, or Philoxenus, bishop of Bagdad
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܠܥܙܪ ܒܪ ܣܒܬܐ. ܐܦܝ܏ܣ ܕܒܓܕܕ
  Subscription (Fol. 155a): ܫܠܡܬ݀ ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܠܥܙܪ ܒܪ ܣܒܬܐ ܐܦ܏ܝܣ ܕܒܓܕܕ܀ ܘܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܝܠܗ ܦܝܠܠܟܣܝܢܘܣ.
Note: (see Renaudot, p. 399)
Item 51 (Fol. 155a): Of Dioscorus of Alexandria
ܐܢܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܪܝ ܕܝܘܣܩܘܪܘܣ ܐܦܝ܏ܣ ܕܐܠܟܣܢܕܪܝܐ
Note: (See Renaudot, p. 286; Assemani, Cod. Liturg., t. vii., p. 199)
Item 52 (Fol. 166b): Of Cyriacus, patriarch of Antioch
ܐܢܦܘܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܪܝ ܩܘܪܝܩܘܣ ܦܐܛ݊ܪܝܪ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ ܕܣܘܪܝܐ
  Incipit: ܡܪܝܐ ܗ̇ܘ ܡܬܘܡܝܐ ܘܕܠܥܠܡ ܗ̇ܘ ܕܒܗܕܝܪܘܬ ܫܘ̈ܒܚܐ ܢܨܝ̈ܚܐ ܓܢܝ̣ܙܐܝܬ ܘܡܬܘܡܐܝܬ ܡܬܝ̇ܩܪ ܐܢܬ. ܏ܘܫ.
Note: (see Assemani, Bibl. Orient., t. ii., pp. 116 and 341; Le Quien, Oriens Christ., t. ii., col. 1370)


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1 (Fol. 178a): After the doxology, on fol. 178 a, there is a note, giving the name of the scribe, Simeon. ܟܠ ܕܦܓ݁ܥ ܒܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܢܨ̇ܠܐ ܡܛܠ ܡܪܢ ܥܠ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܚܛܝܐ ܕܟܬ݂ܒܗ. ܘܥܠ ܕܝܪ[ܝܐ ܐܚ]ܐ ܕܝܠܗ ܪܘܚܢܝܐ . . ܐܠܗܐ ܥܒܸܕ ܠܝ ܫܘܬܦܘܬܐ ܒܟܠ ܩܘܪܒ ܕܡܬܩܪܒ ܡܢܗ ܐܡܝܢ ܀܀܀
Addition 2 (Fol. 178b): On foll. 178 b and 179 a there are several notes in the same handwriting as the above. The first of these states that the manuscript was the property of Rabban Bar- sauma, a monk, priest and solitary, living at Natpha, above the convent of Mar Hanany a, but a native of the village of ܒܝܬ ܓܪܘܒܩ ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܟܘܪܣܐ ܗܢܐ ܕܪܒܢ ܒܪܨܘܡܐ ܕܝܪܝܐ ܏ܘܩܫܝ ܘܝܚܝܕܝܐ ܫܪܝܪܐ ܕܒܢܛܦܐ ܕܠܥܠ ܡܢ ܡܪܝ ܚܢܢܝܐ ܡܬܬܟܣܢܢ. ܕܡܬܝܕܥ ܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܓܪܘܒܩ ܩܪܝ̣ܬܐ ܡܒܪܟܬܐ. ܕܐܠܗܐ ܗ̇ܘ ܕܡܛܠ ܫܡܗ ܩܕ܏ܝ ܝ̣ܨܦ ܘܥܒ̣ܕ ܡܢ ܡܕܡ ܕܙ̈ܐܢܬ݂݀ ܛܝܒܘܬܐ ܒܝܬ ܐܝ̈ܕܘܗܝ. ܗ̣ܘ ܢ̇ܫܘܝܘܗܝ ܠܚܘܣܝܐ ܕܚܘ̈ܒܐ ܘܠܫܘܒܩܢܐ ܕܚܛܗ̈ܐ. ܏ܘܫ.
Addition 3: The second note informs us that this volume was written in the convent of Mār Simeon, of Kartamīn, A. Gr. 1493 (A.D. 1182),—when Michael was patriarch of Antioch, Mark patriarch of Egypt, and John bishop of the said convent,—by the above-mentioned Simeon, from the town of Hah, ܚܐܚ ܩܣܛܪܐ who mentions in it his friends Rabban Solomon the recluse and Rabban Abu 'l-Khair . See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p 363; Le Quien, Oriens Christ., tom. ii., col. 1389. See Renaudot, Hist. Patr. Alexandr. Jacob., p. 530; Le Quien, Oriens Christ., t. ii., col. 487. ܫܩܠ ܟܝܬ ܣܟܐ ܐܘܟܝܬ ܫܘܡܠܝܐ ܟܘܪܣܐ ܗܢܐ ܕܩܘܪܒ ܩܘܪ̈ܒܢܐ ܕܐܒܗ̈ܬܐ ܩܕܝ̈ܫܐ ܘܡܠܦ̈ܢܐ ܬܪ̈ܝܨܝ ܏ܫܘܼ. ܒܥܘܡܪܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܘܟܗܢܝܐ ܕܝܠܢ ܕܒܝܬ ܡܪܝ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܩܪܬܡܝܢ. ܒܫܢܬ ܐܠܦܐ ܘܐܪ̈ܒܥܡܐܐ ܘܬܫܥܝܢ ܘܬܠܬ ܕܝܘ̈ܢܝܐ. ܒܝܘ̈ܡܝ ܐܒܗ̈ܬܐ ܕܝܠܢ ܡܪܝ ܡܝܟܝܐܝܠ ܦܐܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ ܕܣܘܪܝܐ .. ܘܡܪܝ ܡܪܩܘܣ ܕܡܨܪܝܢ. ܘܒܝ̈ܘܡܝ ܡܪܝ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܐܦܣ܏ܩܘ ܕܥ܏ܘܡ ܩ܏ܕܝ ܕܝܠܢ ܕܡܫ̇ܡ̣ܗ ܡܢ ܠܥܠ. ܒܐܝ̣̈ܕܝ ܐܢܫ ܚܛܝܐ ܘܡܣܟܢܐ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܡܦܠ̣ܦܠ ܒܣ̈ܢܝܬܐ ܣ̈ܓܝܐܬܐ. ܕܒܫܡܐ ܠܡ ܕܝܪܝܐ ܘ܏ܩܫܝ. ܒܥ̇ܒ̈ܕܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܐ. ܒܬܘܠܡܕܗ ܕܡܢܗ ܕܥ܏ܘܡ ܕܐܡܝ̣ܪ. ܒܓܢܣܐ ܡܲܢ. ܡ̣ܢ ܚܐܚ ܏ܩܣܛ. ܘܡܛܠܗܕܐ ܒ̇ܥܐ ܐܢܐ ܡܢ ܟܠ ܐܚܐ ܦ[ܪܘܫܐ ܕ]ܦܓ݁ܥ ܒܟܘܪܣܐ ܗܢܐ. ܐܘܟܝܬ ܡܩ̇ܪ̣ܒ ܡܢܗ ܕܢ̇ܣܪܚ ܠܝ ܫܘܒܩܢܐ ܘܢܨ̇ܠܐ ܥܠܝ ܘܥܠ ܐܒܗ̈ܝ ܡܛܠ ܡܪܢ. ܘܐܢ ܦܘܕܐ ܐܘ ܠܐ ܡܛܟܣܘܬܐ ܕܟܬܝܒܬܐ ܡܫܟ̣ܚ ܐܢܬ ܠܐ ܬܥܕܘܠ ܡܛܠ ܕܒܘܪܐ ܐܝ̇ܬܝ ܗܘܝܬ. ܘܠܐ ܥܕܟܝܠ ܡ̣ܕܪܫ ܗܘܝܬ ܒܙܢܐ ܗܢܐ ܕܟܬܝܒܬܐ. ܘܐܚܪܬܐ ܡܢ ܥܠ̣ܬ݀ ܢܘܣ̈ܟܐ ܡ̈ـ[ܫ]ܚܛܐ. ܘܣܬܘܐ ܘܪ̈ܩܐ ܡܚܝ̈ܠܬܐ .. ܘܥܠܗܕܐ ܫ̇ܐܠ ܐ[ܢܐ ܡܢܟـ]ـܘܢ ܐܒܗ̈ܝ ܘܐܚ̈ܝ ܒܚܘܒܐ ܡܓܢ. ܕܬܨ̇ܠܘܢ ܥܠܝ ܘܥܠ ܪܒܢ ܫܝ݆ܠ݆ܡܘܢ (ܫܠܝܡܘܢ) ܚܒܝܫܝܐ ܘܥܠ ܐܒܗ̈ܘܗܝ. ܘܟܠܚܕ ܐܝܟ ܨܠܘܬܗ ܕܥܠܝܢ ܢܬܦ݂ܪܥ ܡܢ ܡܪܢ ܐܡܝܢ. ܘܥܠ ܪܒܢ ܐܒܘܠܟܝܪ ܐܚܐ ܕܝܠܢ ܪܘܚܢܝܐ.
Addition 4: The third note states that the book was bound by Rabban Gabriel, the nephew of the bishop John. ܝ̣ܨܦ ܕܝܢ ܘܕܒ݁ܩ̣ ܠܟܘܪܣܐ ܗܢܐ ܪܒܢ ܓܒܪܐܝܠ ܒܪ ܐܚܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܐܦ܏ܝܣ ܏ܩܕܝ ܕܝܠܢ. ܘܐܚܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܝܠܢ ܪܘܚܢܝܐ. ܏ܘܫ.
Addition 5: A later note, on fol. 179 a, dated A. Gr. 1606 (A.D. 1395), records the presentation of the volume by one Gregory to Rabban John of the convent of Matthew ܐܢܐ ܓܪܝܓܘܪܝܘܣ ܡܚܝܠܐ ܕܫ̇ܟܢܬ ܠܟܘܪܣܐ ܗܢܐ ܠܪܒܢ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܝ܏ܚܝܕ ܏ܩܕ ܕܡܬܝܕܥ ܡܢ ܕܝܪܐ ܕܡܬܝ ܘܠܝܬ ܫܘܠܛܢܐ ܠܐܢܫ ܕܢܣ܏ܒܝ ܡܢܗ ܗܘ̈ܝ ܗܠܝܢ ܫܢܬ ܐܠܦ ܘܫ̈ܬܡܐܐ ܘܫ̈ܬ [ܕܝܘ̈ܢܝܐ].
Addition 6 (Fol. 180): Fol. 180, contains, on the one side, a eucharistic prayer, in a hand of the xivth or xvth cent.; and on the other, one of the usual anathemas, and a note, dated A. Gr. 1823, A.D. 1512.

How to Cite This Entry

William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 14690” in A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/548.


William Wright et al., “London, BL, Add. 14690.” In A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library, edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/548.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 14690

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor, A Digital Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
  • William Wright, David A. Michelson, Robert Aydin, and Anna Kelly, entry contributors, “London, BL, Add. 14690

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Anna Kelly
  • Based on the work of William Wright
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by William L. Potter
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Locus information for manuscript items added by Ziyan Zhang
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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