Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library
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Add. 12,137

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/9
Description based on Wright LXXV ()
Features: Decoration
This manuscript contains: The text exhibits the Ammonian sections, each being referred to the proper canon of Eusebius. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.

Physical Description

In its present state it is made up of parts of four vellum manuscripts, the defects of which are supplied by paper leaves.

Decoration (Illustration): On fol. 1b there is a cross:, i.e.φῶς ζωή.
Decoration (Illustration): On fol. 214 a there is another cross, the words forming which are a specimen of barbarous Greek. “The cross, the weapon of the Christian.”
Item 1 (Fol. 19): The text exhibits the Ammonian sections, each being referred to the proper canon of Eusebius.
Note: The lessons are indicated in the usual way.

Add. 12,137, foll. 2–177

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1161
Date: 6th or 7th century
Estrangela script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Codex, 176 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The four Gospels according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 5 items.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 10 3/4 in. by 8 1/4, consisting of 176 leaves. The quires, 18 in number, were originally signed with arithmetical figures (e.g. �, fol. 40; ��; fol. 50; ��, fol. 60; ���, fol. 70; ���, fol. 80); but a later hand has employed the letters of the alphabet for this purpose. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 22 to 25 lines.

The original description of this manuscript by William Wright includes characters, symbols, or illustrations which cannot be represented. Please consult the attached image, vol. 1, p. 50.

Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script): The writing is a fine Estrangela of the 6th or 7th century.
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.
Hand 3 (minor, West Syriac script): Vowels added.See additions.
Hand 4 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.


This manuscript contains 5 item(s) including nested subsections. N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 2b): The four Gospels according to the Peshitta version [defective]
Note: The lessons are indicated by ܩ on the margins, with the appropriate rubric at the top of the column, and ܫ at the end.
Item 2 (Fol. 2b): The Gospel of S. Matthew, according to the Peshitta version
Item 3 (Fol. 61b): The Gospel of S. Mark, according to the Peshitta version
Item 4 (Fol. 99a): The Gospel of S. Luke, according to the Peshitta version
Item 5 (Fol. 163b): The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
Note: As far as ch. vi. 52.


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: A later hand has employed the letters of the alphabet for signing the quires.
Addition 2: Vowels have been added in the first 61 leaves by a much later hand (ܰ, ܶ, ܺ, ܳ, , or, , , ,).
Addition 3: Many lessons have been noted by two later hands, one of which has introduced a marginal division of the Gospels into sections. Of these there are 22 in S. Matthew, 13 in S. Mark, 23 in S. Luke, and 6 in the remaining portion of S. John.

Add. 12,137, foll. 178–179, 186

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1162
Date: 6th century
Estrangela script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Other, 3 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.

Physical Description

Three vellum leaves, about 10 1/8 in. by 8. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 23 to 25 lines.

Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script): Written in a fine Estrangela of the 6th century.
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.


This manuscript contains 1 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 178): The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
Note: ch. vi. 35 — ch. vii. 2, and ch. x. 3—20.


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: Some lessons are indicated on the margins by two later hands, as in no. I.

Add. 12,173, foll. 187–207

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1163
Date: 6th century
Estrangela script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Codex, 21 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.

Physical Description

Vellum, about 10 1/2 in. by 8 1/8, consisting of 21 leaves. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 22 to 24 lines.

Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script): Written in a good, regular Estrangela of the 6th century.
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.


This manuscript contains 1 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 187): The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
  • ch. x. 20—xix. 29
  • The end of one lesson is marked in the text by the word ܫܠܡ(fol. 187 a).


N.B., folio location may not be available for some items below.
Addition 1: Other lessons have been noted on the margins by several hands of later date. The word ܢܘܣܝܐ in red, on the lower margin of fol. 196 b, means “trial of the pen,” ܢܘܣܝܐ ܕܚܨܪܐ, or “trial of the ink,” ܢܘܣܝܐ ܕܕܝܘܬܐ.

Add. 12,137, foll. 212–213

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1164
Date: 8th century
Estrangela script (multiple hands) ܀ Parchment Other, 2 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.

Physical Description

Two vellum leaves about 10 1/8 in. by 8. Each page is divided into two columns, of 23 or 24 lines.

Hand 1 (major, Estrangela script): Written in a good, regular Estrangela of the 8th century. See additions.
Hand 2 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): See additions.
Hand 3 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): In a current hand.See additions.
Hand 4 (minor, Estrangela script): In Estrangela.See additions.
Hand 5 (minor, Unspecified Syriac script): Written in a good, current hand of the 10th century. See additions.


This manuscript contains 1 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 212): The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
  Subscription (Fol. 213a): ܫܠܡ ܠܡܟܬܒ ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܫܠܝܚܐ ܚܕ ܡܢ ܬܪ̈ܥܣܪ ܕܡܠܠ ܝܘܢܐܝܬ ܒܐܦܣܣ. ܫܠܡ ܠܡܟܬܒ ܒܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܐܘ̈ܢܓܠܣܛܐ ܬܠܬܐ ܡܬܝ ܠܘܩܐ ܝܘܚܢܢ. .
  • ch. xxi. 12 to the end
  • The manuscript, therefore, from which these two leaves were taken, contained only the three Gospels of S. Matthew , S. Luke and S. John .


Addition 1 (Fol. 213a): A later hand has placed ܕ̄ on the margin, opposite ܬܠܬܐ, and added ܘܐܦ ܡܪܩܘܣ.
Addition 2 (Fol. 213a): After the usual doxology, there follow two notes, but both have been erased, so as to be now almost illegible. The first begins: ܐܬܚܦܛ ܕܝܢ . . . ܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܡܪܝ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܩܫܝܫܐ ܡܢ ܥܘܡܪܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܗܒܝܠ ܛܘܒܢܐ. . . Mār John the priest, from the holy convent of the blessed Mār Abel, [probably the convent of Mār Abel in Ma’dān, ܡܥܪܢ, mentioned by Assemani, Bibl. Orient., t. ii. Dissert. de Monophys., art. ix.] used diligence and . . . this book . . .
Addition 3 (Fol. 213a): Of the other only a few unimportant words can be deciphered.
Addition 4 (Fol. 213b): On fol. 213b are two notes, the one stating that this book belonged to the convent of S. Mary Deipara, the other that it was bound by one Ephraim, a stranger or guest (ܐܟܣܢܝܐ, ξένος) in that convent, from the convent of Sergius near Balad(ܒܠܕ, ). See Assemani, Bibl. Orient. t. ii. Dissert. de Monophys., art. ix., Balada and Monasterium S. Sergii. ܕܒܩ ܘܨܒܬ ܠܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܐܦܪܝܡ ܐܟܣܢܝܐ ܡܢ ܥܘܡܪܐ ܕܩܕܝܫܐ ܡܪܝ ܣܐܪܓܝܣ ܕܒܐܬܪ ܕܥܪ̈ܒܝܐ ܘܒܠܕ ܡܪܝܐ ܢܚܣܐ ܠܗ ܘܠܟܠ ܕܐܫܬܘܬܦ. ܐܡܝܢ.. ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܕܕܝܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܕܒܡܕܒܪܐ ܕܡܨܪܝܢ ܘܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܫܠܝܛ ܒܡܠܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܕܢܘܒܕܝܘܗܝ ܒܚܕ ܡܢ ܙܢܝ̈ܢ ܡܢܗ̇ ܕܕܝܪܐ ܕܐܡܝܪܐ ܚܘܣ ܐܚܘܢ ܥܠ ܢܦܫܟ ܘܠܐ ܬܣܥܐ.

Add. 12,137, foll. 19, 180–185, 208–211

URI: https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/1165
Date: 11th century
Origin: Gozartā (ܓܘܙܪܬܐ) in Egypt
Estrangela script ܀ Paper Codex, 11 leaves.
Wright's Subject Classification: New Testament
This manuscript contains: The Gospel of S. Matthew, according to the Peshitta version; The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 2 items.

Physical Description

Foll. 19, 180—185, and 208—211, are leaves of a thick, glazed paper, about 10 3/8 in. by 8, written in double columns.

Hand 1 (sole, Estrangela script): Written in a rude Estrangela, by one Samuel (bar Cyriacus), a recluse of Gozartā, (ܓܘܙܪܬܐ) in Egypt, towards the end of the 11th century. See additions at top.


This manuscript contains 2 item(s). N.B. Items were re-numbered for this online catalog and may not reflect William Wright's previous numeration.

Item 1 (Fol. 19): The Gospel of S. Matthew, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
Note: ch. x. 10—26
Item 2 (Fol. 180): The Gospel of S. John, according to the Peshitta version [defective]
Note: ch. vii. 2 — x. 3 ; ch. xix. 29—xxi. 12


Addition 1 (Fol. 213b): On fol. 213bis the following note, written by the above-mentioned Samuel, relating to the book in its present form. ܟ̇ܢ̣ܫ ܘܕܒܩ ܠܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܫܡܘܐܠ ܐܟܣܢܝܐ. ܘܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܕܡܬܝܕܥ̇ ܚܒܝܫܝܐ ܒܓܘܙܪܬܐ. ܒܐܪܥܐ ܕܡܨܪܝܢ. ܘܟܢܫܬܗ ܡܢ ܡܨܪܝܢ. ܘܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܕܕܝܪܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܝ̇ܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܒܡܕܒܪܐ ܕܐܒܐ ܡܩܪܝ. ܘܡܪܝܐ ܢܚ̇ܣ̣ܐ ܠܟܠ ܕܡܗ̇ܦܟ ܠܗ. ܠܗ̇ ܠܕܝܪܐ ܕܐܡܪܝܐ. ܡܢ ܠܥܠ. ܘܡܪܝܐ ܢܚܣܐ ܠܟܠ ܕܐܫܬܘܦ. (sic) ܐܢ ܒܚܪܝܬܐ ܘܐܢ ܒܩܕܡܝܬܐ. ܘܟܠ ܐܢܫ ܐܝܟ ܨܠܘܬܗ ܦܬ݂ܩ (sic) ܐܡܝܢ ܘܐܡܝܢ♱ Samuel, a stranger, known as the recluse in Gozartā, in Egypt, collected and bound this holy book. And I collected it from Egypt. And it belongs to the convent of the Mother of God, which is in the desert of Abbā Macarius;” etc.

How to Cite This Entry

David A. Michelson et al., “” in , last modified April 21, 2023, https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/9.


David A. Michelson et al., “.” In , edited by . Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2023. Entry published April 21, 2023. https://bl.syriac.uk/ms/9.

About this Entry

Entry Title: London, BL, Add. 12137

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • David A. Michelson, general editor, Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal
  • , editor,
  • David A. Michelson, Daniel J. Greeson, Tucker D. Hannah, and Robert Aydin, entry contributors, “”

Additional Credit:

  • Created by Tucker D. Hannah
  • Edited by Daniel J. Greeson
  • Syriac text entered by Robert Aydin
  • Greek and coptic text entry and proofreading by Ryan Stitt
  • Project management by Elizabeth Walston
  • English text entry and proofreading by Syriac Research Group, University of Alabama
  • Locus information for manuscript items added by Ziyan Zhang
  • Form and material support designations edited by Claire Chen
  • Decoration information encoded by Alexys Ahn
  • Decorations identified and categorized by Beth Maczka
  • Folio extent edited by Kurt Urban

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2023.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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