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57 matches for Person:  Facet script: syr 

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London, BL, Add. 17,185 | Wright DCCCXXII | 10th or 11th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 92 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Philoxenus of Mabūg. Copious extracts from Philoxenus of Mabūg .; Basil. Writings of Basil.; John the Monk. Extracts from John the monk.; Ephraim. Extracts from madrāshē of Ephraim.; John the Monk. The letter of John the monk to Hesychius.; ... In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 37 items.
London, BL, Add. 17,191 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 17,193 | Wright DCCCLXI | AG 1185 / AD 874
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 99 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: A volume of Demonstrations, Collections, and Letters. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 193 items.
London, BL, Add. 17,201 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 17,206 | Wright DCCCXXXI

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 17,215 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 17,216 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.

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